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- Damselfly dance – Issue #49
Damselfly dance – Issue #49
Hello ,
Last week (Read the newsletter here) I shared a photo of a Dancing Jewel female damselfly (Platycypha caligata). The behaviour I observed is what I would like to explain today.
It is well known that the males of many bird species have complex courtship displays, which they use to attract and impress a female with the hopes to gain mating rights. Did you know that just as in birds many dragon- and damselfly species also have complex courtship displays?
The Dancing Jewels have a very fitting name, as when you see the male dancing for the female in the air, attempting to impress her, you can clearly see why the name suites it so well.
In the first photo you can clearly see the white on the inside of the legs of the dancing jewel male. When he is in flight, close to the back of the female, he will fly short distances from left to right, showing the white on the inside of the legs to the female in quick concession, left, right, left, right and so on. Viewing this as a human we only see a white flicker as the male performs his dance. Even though the displays only last 5 to 10 seconds before the male must set down to rest, this is an impressive and complex dance for an insect!
Along with the bright colour of the male, the dance he performs is mind boggling to think that the female was unimpressed every time and did not grant this male mating rights. It is believed that there are small variations and specific cues which the female is looking for. If these variations and cues are not what she likes, she will reject the male and deny him mating rights.
I will attempt to get a photo of the male frozen in mid-air behind the female to showcase this magnificent event in detail.
Have you ever witnessed something this spectacular in nature? If so, what was it and why did the memory stick with you?
If you would like to send me a message with your answers, feel free to do so on Instagram @abugmanslife or via email to [email protected].
Weekly Top Shot: The Dancing Jewel Male

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. - Revelations 3:20