Think BEE! - Issue #2

Hello there

I would like to start off by thanking all the new Explorers (that is you yes!) that has subscribed to this newsletter!

The past two weeks have been filled with a lot of Bee and pollinator research for the upcoming World Bee Day video, that if all goes according to plan should go live on Thursday at 17:00. Taking a deeper look into the life of bees and pollinators has shown me just how deeply my passion and fascination for insects are rooted in my being! I hope that I manage to share a glimpse of this passion with you.

If you have any questions about bees or other pollinators, I might still be able to answer them in the video this week, so feel free to send me your questions if you haven't done so already! You can reply to this email with your questions, send them via Instagram, Twitter or on Facebook.

Next week I will be sharing about Pi, Pi and Pico Pi, and the future plans for this slice of Pi! Do you have an idea what this could be about?

Have a wonderful week!

Weekly Top Shot: The golden Dragonfly

The latest Video: The Dead Leaf Assassin!

Predators that uses ambush hunting techniques has gone to extreme lengths to outsmart prey items, and this Dead Leaf Mantis is no different! It has the perfe...

'The ants are a people not strong, yet they provide their food in the summer' - Proverbs 30:25 ESV